Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Just A Little Alibi

Dear Readers,

If you could bear with me for a few seconds, give me a chance to blink at you innocently, present you with nothing more than a genuine embarrassing smile, and explain to you the lack of entries for the autumn month of October.

Aside from a few outstanding reviews, you will notice that from now on, I will cover mostly eateries in Hong Kong. I've relocated from Singapore to Hong Kong since mid October and have spent the last few weeks climbing the Indian Himalayas, hence the absence. Oh, let me tell you one thing. While I am fond of curries, 14 days of endless turmeric, black pepper and cumin for breakfast, lunch and dinner, have very much kept me away from anything that resembles curry.

If my Halloween night out at Lan Kwai Fong has taught me anything, it would be an understanding of celebrities' attitudes towards paparazzi. Simply put, those non-stop flash lights scare the hell out of me (okay, I confess that we did for a split second thought that our outfits were well invested). You should never agree to let someone take one shot of you because the moment he does, all these other photographers will come flocking over like sheeps of the same herd, pointing their lens at you. The conclusion I draw from this is that it gives me an excuse to explain to you why I seldom take photos at restaurants anymore. I would love to show you how cosy, how glamorous or how messy an eatery is, but I suppose the fact that I don't show it, it would instill a sense of mystery if you will, and so if you do decide to visit the place, it might bring you a bit of a pleasant surprise. Plus, I honestly could not imagine myself happily snapping away like the paparazzi in a beautiful and atmospheric restaurant. What a killer!

Please enjoy my upcoming posts while I fill you with details of my latest epicurean journey in the Pearl of Asia.

- Winnie -
8th Nov 2007

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